
機器人競賽-WRO Future Innovator 未來新創家
World Robot Olympiad™ WRO 未來新創家 項目中,學生將專注在以下區域: - 研究與發展:在賽季主題下,確認、研究一個具體問題,並找出一個創意的解決方案。 - 原型製作: 將你的想法變成一個可運作的機器人方案。 - 專業工程技能:使用不同的材料實作機器人。(控制器、馬達、感應器、第三方設備等) - 軟體工程技能:開發可支援機械人解決方案的程式碼。 (例如,使用感應器 ,多個設備之間的互動) - 創新:想想潛在的使用者、帶來的衝擊,以及如何將原型變成現實可行方案。 - 簡報技巧: 準備專案的攤位,並將你的點子展示給裁判及觀眾們。 - 團隊合作、溝通、解決問題、創意。 主要目標: 在 WRO 未來新創家項目中,隊伍們研發可幫助解決真實世界問題的機器人。 每年都有新主題,通常與聯合國永續發展目標相關。探究主題後,每隊研發出創新且可行的機器人解決方案。在競賽當天展示他們的專案。 In the WRO Future Innovators category teams develop a robot that helps solve real-world problems. There is a new theme every year, often connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Focus Areas Every WRO category has a special focus on learning with robots. In the WRO Future Innovators category, students will focus on developing in the following areas: - Research and development: identify a specific problem within the season theme, research and come up with a creative solution. - Prototyping: turning your idea into a functional robot solution. - Technical engineering skills: implementing a robotic solution while using different source of materials (controllers, motors, sensors, 3rd party equipment etc.). - Software engineering skills: developing a code that supports the robotic solution (e.g., using sensors, interaction between multiple devices). - Innovation: Think about potential users, the impact and how you could turn your prototype into reality. - Presentation skills: Prepare a project booth and present the idea to judges & audience. - Teamwork, communication, problem solving, creativity. Have a look~https://wroaustralia.org/future-innovators
